Saturday, March 20, 2010


We spent our day at the beach today, we met up with Brandyn and April.. potential friends for my dear Heidi.. when ever she can comprehend what a friend is lol. Michael had a wonderful day of “diggin to china” with April. It was really nice hanging out with other mothers, especially my friends from middle school and high school. It makes me a little sad that Morgan is moving to White Plaines because i wont be able to see her so easily, i mean hell i haven’t seen or heard from her in 11 years when she moved to Tokyo, then Buenos Aries and then Australia, but thankfully for the next 40 days at least she is stuck at her parents home here in CT. (It takes 40 days to have their home items shipped over) Its especially nice because i may become stuck here again because michael starts his job on monday, with or without us. *fingers crossed* i get a call back about this house because it is available on april 1st… lake access… god i hope.. 

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