Turns out she was right in my backyard. But they say things are best hidden in plain sight. I have never had more in common with a person, and yet been so different. It is very hard for me to find real true friends I have a tendency to look towards the good in people and not see the forest for the trees as it were. I end up getting used and mistreated its really a vicious cycle, I tell my husband you can't ween them out if you don't make the initial effort. He laughs but I know it bothers him. He doesn't like that I strike out so much.
Anyway I met this girl Jessica.. She inspires me, 21 years old, mother of two beautiful baby twins only a month older than my dear Heidi. She does it all on her own, and somehow keeps her house spotless, AND attends school for medical assisting. Her preservearance in the face of adversity is amazing. She thinks she isn't strong but I have never met a stronger person. To come up from where she was.. to were she is and to rectify her mistakes like she does.. To love and respect people I can't stand to be around... I just don't know how she does it! I am a better person for having known her... Thanks Jessica for being my true friend.

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