Monday, March 28, 2011

Political Correctness...

I know some people will prob take offense to this rant.. but.. oh well.. its how i feel.. these days you cant have an opinion about anything, you cant just say what is on your mind because always.. SOMEONE will get offended... always... its almost not worth putting your thoughts out there any more. when did america become so hung up on being so pc? This post from violent acres says it all 
"Political correctness does not create a more tolerant society. It creates a society of people secretly consumed by resentment because one honest slip of the tongue can earn them a label as an intolerant boob. Political correctness limits speech and creates hatred where none existed in the first place."
i personally think people need to stop taking everything the see, read, or hear to heart.. i mean my god! it was put out there about you! obviously people who make generalizations know that it doesn't apply to EVERYONE in that same race, situation, religion.. i mean come on!!!! are we so angry as a society we have forgotten that it is our right as american to say what ever the hell we want and to not have to face a judge for it? even if the judge turns out to br our own peers... now i am sure two people in particular will take offense to this after yesterday.. but again.. this is not directed at them.. though that just added to it. i would just like the freedom to be who i am say what the hell i want to say and not get attacked by people. this is not the first time this had happened... and probably not the last.. but i for one refuse to walk on eggshells for anyone. 

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